Easy Ways to Take Care of Gums in Infants
Easy Ways to Take Care of Gums in Infants |
Smile baby is very tempting, especially if the baby has started teething. Cheerful smile that radiated happiness of your baby will add you as a parent. We recommend that you do care to maintain the health of your teeth. Dental treatment in infants can be started at the first teething milk, namely the age of the baby enters the sixth month, the treatment can be done in two ways gum treatment and care of baby teeth. One that is often overlooked is caring for the baby's gums. The gums are part of oral mucosa which consists of connective tissue, as a tooth root attached. Healthy gums can support the health of your child, signs include gums healthy pink gums uneven surface but there are specks of dots, the edges do not experience swelling of the gums, and also gums do not bleed easily.
Here is how you can imposition to care for your baby's gums, including:
1. Clean your baby's gums with a soft cloth
Simple treatments that you can do with your baby's gums wiped (clean the baby's gums with a soft cloth) after drinking breast milk or formula. As for how to wipe the baby's gums is to use a soft cloth moistened with warm water, then wrapped to your thumb. Should be done after your baby is eating, if not possible you can schedule routine is twice a day in the morning and before bed.
2. Avoid drinking milk bottle while sleeping
Babies delighted with the habit of drinking milk before he sleeps, the actual problem is the habit of drinking milk bottle until the baby is asleep. When you let your baby to sleep while drinking milk will make your baby's gums health is threatened. This is because the sweet taste comes from sugar will settle in the baby's mouth and ruin your baby's teeth and gums.
3. Do not add sugar In Milk
Not recommended children to get additional excess sugar, so does the baby. You should limit sugar intake in infants by avoiding the addition of sugar in infant formula. This will make the gums and teeth problems, besides the addition of excess sugar will cause health problems such as obesity and diabetes at an early age.
4. Recommend a baby with textured foods gradually
You can introduce baby food gradually include the introduction of flavors, types and textures. If your baby is eating solid foods or finger food, you can offer something that helps the growth of teeth like carrots steamed vegetables or bananas are cut into small pieces. Thus a balance in maintaining healthy teeth and gums baby should be able to do. Do not forget to familiarize good habits from an early age began, one of which is the habit of taking care of teeth, when your child has started teething habit of brushing your teeth in the morning, afternoon and evening. Use the special baby toothbrush that has soft bristles and will not make the gums sore. In addition also clean the teat before use so as not sterile and do not damage teeth. Habit to drink water after being given complementary foods ation, in order to help to clean up the rest of the food is left in between the teeth.