How to Detect Early as Possible Keturanan Disease In Infants

How to Detect Early as Possible Keturanan Disease In Infants

How to Detect Early as Possible Keturanan Disease In Infants
How to Detect Early as Possible Keturanan Disease In Infants
When your baby is newborn often tested neonatal screening, one of the tests done on the baby so it can detect genetic diseases as early as possible. It is associated with hereditary disease or a serious congenital disease that can be done prevention or early treatment. Neonatal screening can identify abnormalities in infants. Although basically a parent feels when a newborn baby is healthy.
It is associated with most infants with congenital or hereditary disease appear normal at birth. By doing the screening of neonates will assist in providing treatment, treatment as early as possible so that the baby can have growth similar to other normal babies. Nevertheless there is also the other way in detecting hereditary diseases in infants.
Here are some ways that are often performed to detect the baby's disease as early as possible:
1. Navigate the Family Health History
The simplest way to do by parents in detecting hereditary diseases as early as possible in infants is to trace family health history, it does not require DNA testing. You simply trace your family history major and then gives an overview on the pattern of health and also you can find out the risk of hereditary disease. By knowing your family history can help doctors to detect degenerative diseases.
2. Perform screening of neonates
Neonatal screening is often done on newborns about 48-120 hours. Whereas in infants examined in infants aged 24 hours then you can do a re-examination at the age of 2 weeks. How to perform a neonatal screening is to conduct blood tests in infants are usually taken on the baby's heel and then dropped on the filter paper. With this will help you in detecting congenital diseases associated with thyroid hormone deficiency will lead to mental retardation and the mental and physical growth retardation in infants. Then subsequent genetic disorder that is associated with G6PD enzyme such as anemia. This examination can also help your child to avoid increased body temperature suddenly, occur shortness of breath or irregular heartbeats in infants.
3. response to your baby
You can easily recognize cataract in infants. Kongenitas cataract or cataract in infants is a hereditary disease. Cataracts can be detected easily, with just one minute of your baby. First of all you can give your baby toys with striking colors then you can move the toy to the right and the left, towards the top and bottom. Then later you can pay attention to your baby's response. If under normal circumstances so your baby will respond to this stimulus, following the movement or grabbing with his hands but if your baby does not respond at all and are not interested in such a toy then immediately consult your doctor. You can test this response at 2-3 months of age your baby.
4. Create Journal of foods and beverages consumed Children
The next hereditary disease is an allergy in infants. In the majority of parents are often unaware of their children developing allergies. You can detect early by making journal on food and drink consumed by babies or objects held by your baby. However, you should still be sure to consult a doctor.
Thus for those of you who in maintaining family health, especially the health-related hereditary disease in infants. You can do a medical history so that it can carry out prevention, also run healthy lifestyle that will help you and your family to avoid health problems.