Tifes (typus) in Infants

Tifes (typus) in Infants

Tifes (typus) in Infants
Tifes (typus) in Infants
Now you have felt the joy of being a mother, following developments in the growth of your baby in the baby's condition but some are still susceptible to some diseases make you very worried. Including when your baby has a high fever. It can not be trusted is when your baby is suffering from typhoid fever or typhus in infants due to your baby's digestive tract is infected by bacteria. How can it be when your baby is still consuming limited food like milk and Complementary feeding time?
Typus disease is a contagious disease caused by bacteria that infect the gastrointestinal tract. Typus disease-causing bacteria are salmonella bacteria found in food. While the babies there are two modes of transmission are through the mother and through supplements. The first transmission can occur through mother as a baby still in the womb to enter time delivery and deployment can be done through breast milk. First discovered that women who are pregnant can play a role in the spread of disease-carrying bacteria are found in cases of typhus infants with typhus a few hours after birth when the baby is not breastfed. Once the sample is taken from the liquid turns the germs carried the mother during pregnancy. It should be known that typhoid bacteria are able to penetrate penetrative barrier walls.
In general, breast milk is a food hygiene when it was in a case can transmit typhus. For infants who are exclusively breastfed and had a fever and diarrhea are advised to follow a blood test to determine the baby's health condition is actually included in the prevention of typhoid. While the second is the spread of food for infants who receive complementary foods. Complementary foods given to infants than observed in daily nutrient intake were also observed in the processing, presentation and also in giving to avoid germs that cause typhus infection. Symptoms in infants typus difficult to detect given the unborn child can not express such as nausea or dizziness, baby can only cry or fuss often accompanied by high body temperature. Sometimes accompanied by diarrhea though medical experts do have to get some tests to determine the exact condition of your baby.
Treatment for typhoid apparent from the spread of the virus to the baby and the baby's body. When the light doctor will recommend a break at home and give antibiotics that should dihabiskan.Sedangkan for more severe conditions, the medical treatment will help stop the invasion of germs. Aside typhus medication causes should also be examined when due to breastfeeding are exposed to germs, so it must be cleaned of bacteria that cause typhoid if not then the baby will be susceptible again. However, that does not mean breastfeeding stopped because breast milk has antibodies it's just the nature of the treatment of the mother should do.
It is better to prevent than cure is the right word to preserve the health of your baby. Some typus prevention in infants below will help you to take care of the baby's condition is such precautions taken by the mother during the last week make sure you are free of microorganisms that can infect typus then note the food hygiene to avoid the spread of bacteria. In infants do and scheduled immunizations must also take care of hygiene and especially after urination and a great waste. Similarly in infants who had been fed complementary foods should always pay attention to hygiene is maintained.