Best Ways to Raise Baby Weight Quickly

Best Ways to Raise Baby Weight Quickly

Cara Terbaik Menaikkan Berat Badan Bayi Dengan Cepat
In general, birth weight has a characteristic and different. The average weight newborns is 2500 up to 4500 gr. The mother's health during pregnancy, nutrition during pregnancy and given a genetic factor that determines the weight and size of the baby. If your baby has a birth weight lower not have to worry. Because a lot of ways to raise the baby weight that you can do.

You also do not have to worry about to control the baby's development , because now it is available KMS (health card). In this book there is a development of the baby's weight chart, so you can control gain weight your baby. And if anything happens to the mother can directly overcome.

Some tips for raising the baby's weight can a mother do include:

  • Give a quality intake of milk to the baby.
    Infants under 6 months old and has not been allowed to take food outside, only allowed to consume only breast milk. And to increase the weight babies under 6 months old should be by increasing the quality of breastfeeding to infants. This caused all the nutrients needed by the baby should be present in breast milk, which is the sole food for infants under 6 months. In order for the milk quality, the food intake of nursing mothers must also complete and sufficient. Besides nursing mothers should also be able to avoid the stress, because stress can affect the quality of breast milk.
  • Schedule a regular administration of solid foods to the baby.
    At the age of 6 months baby over the mother has been able to deliver solid foods (foods breast milk substitutes) to the baby. When the baby is getting solid foods, baby will consume milk with a little amount. This is because the nutrients needed by the baby already in the can from the solids. For infants aged over 6 months you dapay raise the baby weight by giving solid foods as much as 2 to 3 times per day. Adjust solids portion to the age of your baby. In selecting solid foods should be very aware of is the content of solids itself. Especially is the calories, you can add to calories solids with cheese or vegetable oil.
  • Give your baby the right composition.
    Consider the type of material you provide to the baby if you want to raise your baby's weight. This is so that the baby's nutritional needs fulfilled and balanced. For solids, you can provide the carbohydrate composition of vegetable side dishes and rice 50 to 50. For example, a team of as many as 4 tablespoons plus side dishes and vegetables each 2 tablespoons. In order for a way to raise the maximum weight of the baby, you can give the baby a healthy snack, which is 2 times per day. Snacks can you give on the late morning and during the day late in the afternoon.

That's some way to raise the baby's weight can a mother do. But do not give excessive intake because it will make babies become obese.