How to Distinguish Menstruation And Spotting Signs of Pregnancy

How to Distinguish Menstruation And Spotting Signs of Pregnancy

Cara Membedakan Menstruasi Dan Flek Tanda Kehamilan
When someone couples after marriage and wants to build a family, of course, want to have children. And after berjalanya time in a marriage usually await the good news about pregnancy will happen to his wife. Thus the prospective mother to find out more about pregnancy that will be experienced. And know more about the signs of pregnancy such as spots are a sign of pregnancy .

Most of the mothers were pregnant the first time will feel confused about whether pregnant or not. But only know the extent of the existence of the pregnancy is to pay attention to the menstrual cycle they experienced had stopped. But in general, the pregnancy will be a little put out patches or spots of blood on the pants sign of pregnancy in the prospective mother. Well this can confuse new mothers experience a pregnancy. Are these spots is a sign of pregnancy or not.

And for mothers who do not understand should not be confused and worried because a common sign of pregnancy is a natural release of the spots after the stop of the menstrual cycle. So that no mistakes then below there are several ways to differentiate between menstruation and pregnancy spots mark:

  • If the blood is bright red exit means that menstrual blood. And when the blood comes out it is blackish brown blood spots signs of pregnancy.
  • And when the blood came out pretty much it was menstrual blood, and if the blood that comes out a little flecks that it is a sign of pregnancy.

However, there are still many young mothers are confused and still wondering what exactly dang trigger spots, being the age of the nascent kehamilanya. But basically, the spots that came out safe and not harmful. The exit of the spots usually coincide with normal menstrual cycles mother. Here are some things that can trigger spots that occur in pregnant women:

  • Of hormones that control the menstrual cycle can trigger major bleeding
  • And ffects occur when the egg was fertilized.

For the mother who did not experience such a few examples above or removing plaque when she was already pregnant do not worry because it could also be said to be safe. That should you need to know with the emergence of spots does not mean a sign of pregnancy but it could be an infection of the cervix. Therefore it checked if you have spots so you do not wonder and can better know the answer, whether the flecks of pure sign of pregnancy or an infection in the cervix.

Such an explanation on how to distinguish between menstruation and pregnancy spots mark. But not all the spots that experienced is an early sign of pregnancy. As already explained above, the spots may be a sign of cervical cancer. Hopefully the information above can answer your questions about the little flecks sign of pregnancy.